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16 Oct 2020

Happen Business, the Sydney-based developer of the Jim2 accounting and ERP software platform, has signed as the exclusive Australian and New Zealand distributor of the EKM Insight print management software.

EKM Insight was developed by UK-based managed print services vendor EKM Global, and is designed to manage printers and multifunctional devices. The software comes in variants for both enterprise customers and service providers.

Happen would sell EKM Insight either integrated with the Jim2 ERP software or as a standalone product rebranded as “Happen EKM”.

Happen Business chief executive Steve Morris said, "Our clients are looking for accurate invoice-ready meter billing, real-time visibility of consumable usage, and alert management within Jim2 in addition to enhanced supply-chain processing."

"Lowering our clients' cost of administration and just-in-time consumable delivery means considerable savings, straight to the bottom line."

Morris said the integration with Jim2 would help clients experience predictive insights into device usage, and advanced machine analytics to enhance customer service and cost-effective device management.

Happen launched EKM earlier this month, which the company said received “a great response” from the market.

“Happen Business is looking forward to ongoing enhancements to assist managed print dealers and IT departments in managing their fleet far more effectively,”